Watch the Green Sabres march in the 1963 Saratoga Springs parade
YouTube is a
marketing dream
come true!

We'll help you take advantage of this tool.
Let your slideshow work for you by loading it to YouTube
With just a simple scan of the internet you'll find hundreds of ways YouTube helps friends and companies to get their ideas out to the world.

Video FAQs - Many companies are using YouTube to post video answers to their most frequently asked questions and How-Tos saving their support staff countless hours of phone time.

Video Clips - Organizations are sharing selected video clips to document historic events.

Embedded Clips - YouTube makes it easy to embed your video onto your own website without the need for a video server on your internet host computer. (That's how I show my Video Project Sampler)

Launching a new product or service? Let's assemble a quick slideshow about it and post it on YouTube. Then you can e-mail your best clients about it and include the video link in your mailing.
It can be a series of photos with captions to promote your enterprise or organization. An example
of this technique can be found at Hudson Crossing Park's website.
Click HERE: to go to the Hudson Crossing Park site.
Your YouTube video does not have to be a mini-movie.
Click HERE: to watch their video.
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Youtube Marketing